Rapid7, a leading provider of IT security risk management software and cloud solutions, today announced its sixteenth consecutive quarter of record revenue. In addition to reporting strong growth, Rapid7 kicked off 2013 with new, impactful security research, continued product innovation, and the addition of exciting new and large customers to their already impressive roster, continuing to outpace competitors in new customer acquisition.
Technology Innovation
In Q1, Rapid7 launched official Metasploit support for Kali Linux, the latest, enterprise-ready version of the BackTrack Linux operating system. The integration with Offensive Security provides Kali Linux users with a more comprehensive Metasploit experience, with the added benefit of Rapid7 technical support for Metasploit Pro users.
Security Community Leadership
In late January, Rapid7 released a whitepaper by HD Moore on security flaws found in Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), a protocol that enables network-enabled devices to communicate with each other. Of 80 million unique IP addresses that responded to UPnP discovery requests, at least 40 to 50 million were discovered to be vulnerable to attack. Rapid7 advised users to immediately disable internet-exposed UPnP endpoints. To aid individuals and organizations in uncovering and reducing UPnP associated risk, Rapid7 released two free tools, the UPnP Check tool (for individuals) and ScanNow for UPnP (for use on internal networks). These tools were downloaded more than 150,000 times in a matter of days.
Rapid7 also discovered that, of 12,328 Amazon S3 cloud service buckets found by researchers, approximately one in every six buckets was left exposed to the internet. Of the public buckets, many contained sensitive information such as personal account data, sales records, passwords, and developmental source code. As a user configuration issue, Rapid7 encouraged Amazon S3 users to be aware and follow Amazon's guidelines on best practices for keeping any buckets containing sensitive data private.
Strong Continued Customer Growth
Rapid7 gained over 150 new customers in Q1 of 2013, adding to its broad customer base across nearly all industries, including technology, energy, financial services, retail, education, and state, local and federal government. These new customers include EMC, global leader in IT and business transformation, Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Garden Fresh Restaurant Corporation, owner of Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes restaurants, Middlebury College, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the City of San Jose, and the Ministry of Defense Netherlands. Rapid7 also added Delhaize Group, the international food retailer founded in 1867.
Rapid7 security analytics software and services reduce threat exposure and detect compromise for 3,000 organizations across 78 countries, including over 250 of the Fortune 1000. We understand the attacker better than anyone and build that insight into our solutions to improve risk management and stop threats faster. We offer advanced capabilities for vulnerability management, penetration testing, controls assessment, incident detection and investigation across your assets and users for virtual, mobile, private and public cloud networks. To learn more about Rapid7 or get involved in our threat research, visit y3jk.nbzhiai.com.